AMM 2021

toilet board coalition
annual member event

With more than 70 members from all over the world joining us live on May 11 and 12, and engaging dynamically throughout each session, the (virtual) Annual Member Meeting was a highly compelling and impactful gathering! Thank you to each of the attendees for contributing your time, energy and insight into the work of the Coalition.

You can find on this page a replay of the event, as well as a concise summary of outcomes & actions of each session.

Watch the replays of the event here or scroll down the page for more details.



  • To thank you for being a part of our coalition, and in celebration of our 5 year anniversary, we are proud to offer you this celebrating pin.
    Please keep it in a safe place and stay tuned for more details on how we intend to use it in our upcoming World Toilet Day Campaign.
  • The TBC is a small but mighty team! Click here to watch our 2 minute video introducing ourselves 😊.
  • Erin McCusker, Leader at SATO & Chair of Toilet Board Coalition, welcome highlighted “The TBC has one of the most unique and diverse group of people working together, who all want to see the Sanitation Economy succeed and be showcased as a tool to fight the challenges the world is facing.


The 2021 Accelerator Cohort and their mentors presented their businesses and their progress and insights at the programme’s mid-point.

  • Watch the Cohort Videos on our Youtube channel.
  • Applications for the 2022 Cohort are now closed. Thank you for helping promote the call for applications and for your nominations. We will announce the 2022 Shortlist in August.

workshop: climate, biodiversity & human rights

Participants progressed through a guided brainstorm unpacking the ways which private sector stakeholders in WASH are contributing to climate, biodiversity and human rights goals through their work. A learning zone and resource library were also developed through the process. Check out the Miro board here

To continue this work we are developing a short sequence of webinars, partnering with Sanitation & Water for All in the lead up to COP26. The work of the Coalition and the conversations of the webinars will be packaged into a 2 pager for private sector and government stakeholders at COP26 to illustrate how both parties can effectively partner to advance progress on the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.

We are also exploring the convening of a Roundtable focused on gender equality and women’s health.

If you’re interested to play a role in either of these areas of work please let Alex Knezovich know.

Investment council

The investment council met during the AMM and agreed to work in the following areas:

  • Further strengthen the investability support to SME’s;
  • Help create an investment narrative for large institutional investors to join the investment council;
  • Co-creating additional investment products for SME’s.

for more information on our investment council, please contact Venugopal Gupta.

communications update

  • We are preparing for the release of the TBC’s first impact report in late August. We will be reaching out to you in the coming weeks to hear about your experiences over the last five years in the Coalition. 
  • We have launched a TBC India page on Linkedin – follow it here and if you have content you would like the page to be shared, please reach out to Sheeba Feroz.
  • The YouTube Sanitation at Scale series continues – in its second installment Accelerator Director Venu Gupta interviews David Auerbach, Co-Founder of Sanergy. Watch the interview here.
  • We are launching a Sanitation Economy SME Linkedin Group to connect with and share more efficiently opportunities that come to the TBC for innovators and entrepreneurs. An invitation will be headed your way shortly if you are eligible.

xynteo update

This June, the TBC’s partnership with Xynteo wraps up as the Catalysts moving through Xynteo’s Vanguard programme complete their work. Xynteo representatives and participants from Baker Hughes and Shell joined the Annual Member Meeting to share about their experiences and insights from the programme.


member model & results framework

  • Over the last six months, the TBC team and Steering Committee have worked together to review our membership model, ways of working, 2025 strategy and results framework to ensure that the TBC is fit for purpose and fit for growth. During the AMM, the updated member model with new Global and Regional Associate Member levels was presented as well as a consultation with the members around the results framework and engagement mechanisms.
  • The results framework is now going through an internal finalization process. You can check out the miro board charting the process here.

urban wash in india

Sunil Agarwal presented progress on the TBC’s work partnering with municipalities and the Government of India to identify and implement sanitation economy solutions. He detailed the toolkit and materials being developed to catalyse and support this work.

"These are critical inputs as we shape up SBM2.0 and we look forward to working closely with the TBC team in India so that these inputs are part and parcel of the government norms for SBM 2.0."

School sanitation

We are exploring, with strategic support from Unilever, a joint collaborative project between Unilever, Kimberly-Clark and LIXIL looking at the school sanitation economy. We believe the Coalition possesses collective experience, business insights and influence that could help improve the sustainability of school sanitation provision. Unilever is chairing a Roundtable to develop this work, a first session will be open to member participation later in the year.

"We tabled this opportunity to the TBC as school sanitation in particular is of growing interest as a clear long-term approach to improving school sanitation is lacking – particularly in the space of operations and maintenance. We believe the time is right to work with our private sector partners in the Coalition on this."

women in the sanitation economy innovation lab

The inaugural Women in the Sanitation Economy Innovation Lab wrapped up its programming in May.

Check out the entrepreneur and mentor videos on our Youtube Channel.

A Lab Report is currently being finalized and will be released to members shortly.

"We had this great chance to work with the Toilet Board Coalition on this programme. As a purpose led brand, Kotex exists to ensure that a period never gets in the way of any woman’s progress. This programme was a great opportunity to support women entrepreneurs, promote women’s empowerment and help fill the gap of women’s leadership in products and services in the sanitation economy."


  • Participants moved through guided brainstorms unpacking the barriers and advancements at the intersection of the sanitation economy and their thematic area.
  • Secondly participants mapped the existing work in process tackling these barriers.
  • Lastly we focused in on the contributing and complementary role that the TBC could uniquely play in this space.

Themes emerging in all three workshops were the TBCs strength as a convener, thought leader for the other stakeholders in the sector and catalytic role in standards development.

Next steps:

We are exploring the convening of a Roundtable focused on this theme to launch in Q4.

The Smart Sanitation & Public Health Roundtable will launch on 16 June from 15h-16h30 CEST.

We are exploring the convening of a Roundtable focused on this theme to launch in Q4.

If you are interested in engaging in any of these Roundtables please message Alex Knezovich.

Contact Us

Do you want to know more, share your research, participate in our projects or join our Coalition? We would love to hear from you.

Send as an email at or use this form for specific topics.

To stay updated, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or join our Mailing list.